I've been absent for a while from my blog :-/. Sorry about that fans and cyberbots that frequent this page!
Brief recent History:
After summer 2015 my training hit a real wall. I had no energy or motivation to train. I went to a doctor (for anyone that knows me, this does not happen, ever). Although intentions were good, the doctors I visited were only convinced in treating symptoms.A health marker seems low, we should supplement with that marker.But isn't that marker the output of a cycle and it's deficiency is more likely a pathological dysfunction in that cycle and its inputs?
Blank staresBlood tests, specialists later I found I have the Ebola.... just kidding, Ebstein Barr. Looks like the dude from Welcome Back Kotter and the founder of Pikes Peak's Barr trail got together to make this energy sapping virus. According to the blood tests I *had* it. So I'm all better now (?).
I also have this "hip thing" going on. Pain in the hip flexor, left side. It would always go away with more running volume and switching to a standing desk. But during my much lower training volume it's flared up and been off/on greatly affecting my runs. A few times a week I would come limping back to my desk after my lunch time run.
What I'm Doing about it
I was referred to a physical therapist Mark Plaatjes at In-Motion Rehabilitation. I would not stop talking to him about training and racing. It was a real pleasure to have his ear, and his treatment. He is good, really good. I felt like $1m after he massaged, stretched, dry needled, elctro-stim, and heating padded me.
I felt really great after that, but was still treading lightly afraid the good feeling would cause me to overreach. I waited two more days, then looped around (up and over) Green Mountain. It was a PR for the main loop without really trying. The hip was sore the next run, took it slow and pain at a 2:10 at max.
About to see him for appt #2 today.
Blood Tests
I was getting so many blood tests to determine my EBV, and checking for other issues that can be measured - eventually I recruited Josh at Fuelary for 'blood results you can understand'. He compares test results to real ranges of values, not just what the average of the (largely sick) population provides. I ordered more tests from him to narrow down so markers that raised red flags and look forward to getting those results.Way Ahead
I hate the thought of putting this in writing, but... here goes. Prepare for a road marathon (TBD) in April, then go to Born to Run 100miler in Mid May. A well executed marathon plan should provide the leg strength, stamina, speed should be an amazing foundation to run a 100 miler. For 4-6 weeks after the marathon, prepare more race specifically for the 100. Some of the 6:50-7:00 pace work will be lost, but long slow, slog training will be a nice change and add the necessary fitness. Then, no races until PPM in August.
That's my plan, and I may stick to it. Let's see how the hip / blood work stuff pans out.