Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Paleo-Diet: Not The Way To A Healthy Future (?)

The article below is by an anthropologist who think the Paleo-Diet/Lifestyle is not a good idea and a potential catastrophe to feeding a 7+billion global population.  The author is a vegetarian and advocates that lifestyle.  Vegetarianism is a great lifestyle and there are amazing athletes people that live >100years eating that way.  The reason a paleo hominid left vegetarianism is the more upright we walked, the narrower the hips became, the stomach shrank.  We could no longer hold the gallons of hay you'd need to get ample proteins into our diet.  Nutritional density became increasingly important in the upright walking hominid.  In today's world of surplus, we can support vegetarianism because we can process nutrients into the foods or eat as often as we want.  This was not an option for the paleo-man. Often, the food they ate would have to give energy for a week while they looked for more.
Today we have the advantage of hindsight AND the ability to pick and choose.  I want to eat paleo, but i choose not to die while defending my mate in a brawl with a Neanderthal - see, I can choose.  When we say we want to eat Paleo we refer to the deserve to have whole foods in their natural forms in quantities that match the way our bodies evolved. How about "We desire to have the blood glucose levels of our ancestors, and the rates of dietarily preventable diseases that our ancestors had"?
Apart from diet, paleo-man was sedentary much of the time (me at my desk job), they had to expend enormous energy occasionally (me at my crossfit box), and they had to complete tremendous feats of endurance (my ultra-running).  I can choose not to live in their constant danger and likely dying a violent death.  pick-and-choose, baby!
In a few days, the world's population will reach 7 billion. Only a tiny fraction of this number still makes a living by hunting and gathering, the way all our ancestors did before about 12,000 years ago.
According to a set of claims relentlessly pushed in some books and blogs, as many modern humans as possible should adopt a hunter-gatherer diet. That is, we should eat lean meat and vegetables because our Paleolithic hunting-and-gathering ancestors did. At the same time, we should refuse dairy, grains and sugars because our hunting-and-gathering ancestors didn't eat these items.
You might think that, as an anthropologist, I'd greet this embrace of the human prehistoric past with unalloyed delight, especially in a country where a high percentage of our population is evolution-averse. Like most anthropologists, though, I don't think there's good science behind these claims
It's best to clarify right off that leaders of the paleo-diet movement don't think monolithically. Lean meat and veggies take center stage, but the emphasis may vary in details such as how much seafood to eat. A look at the current issue of Paleo — a magazine devoted to "modern primal living" — indicates that, in addition to food, paleo-faddists think hard about exercise and lifestyle choices.

Some of them, in fact, take a paleo-lifestyle to startling lengths. In profiling this "modern-day Stone Age subculture" and its leaders, Arthur de Vany and Loren Cordain, the German magazine Der Spiegel interviews disciples who run through the undergrowth and eat wild boar in explicit emulation of their Paleolithic forebears.... Continued Here

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